Anti Jetlag

After a long flight, jetlag can be exhausting and can leave the body with an uncomfortable feeling. The extended dry air during the long haul flights aggravates the skin which can lose its flexibility and elasticity. Our anti jet lag massage is created with the express aim of ridding any negative effects of jet lag and discomfort resulting from long haul flights.

We have designed two types of anti-jetlag massages in order to respond to the needs of our clients:
- Anti Jet-lag special night, is designed to allow your body to repair your sleeping rhythm after a long day flight.
- Anti Jet-lag special day, is designed to give you enough energy to keep you going through the entire day after a long nights travel.

Our massages anti jet-lag are designed to promote body rebalancing by using the following techniques:
- Reactivation of the hypophyses that produces melatonin and directly helps the repair of the sleep cycle,
- The regeneration of energy meridians by applying pressure directly on the acupuncture points,
- Improved blood circulation and muscle relaxation.

For women we focus on the tired legs and the face.
For men we concentrate on the deep muscle knots and muscle tension.
This technique takes place on a massage table with oil; client privacy (who is in underwear) is preserved with the use of towels placed over the body.